Marsh Migration Group

Rapidly rising seas threaten to drown tidal marshes and diminish the benefits provided to people and wildlife by these valuable coastal ecosystems. Increasingly, government agencies and non-government organizations are harnessing the power of computer-based models of marsh ecosystems to inform management and policy strategies to sustain tidal marshes, including by allowing marshes to shift gradually inland with sea level rise onto formerly dry land—a process known as marsh migration. In response to a need identified by its members and partners, NROC sponsored an initiative in 2014-15 to advance the effective use of models of marsh migration in the context of management and policy.

The Marsh Migration Group is one of two NROC groups engaged in Resilient Shorelines, along with the Living Shorelines Group.

Featured Activities & Products

Workshop: Using Technology and Emerging Practices to Improve Tidal Marsh Habitat Resiliency

Available documents include the workshop agenda, list of attendees, and presentations given during the various sessions: marsh models – state updates, model applications for tidal habitat resiliency planning (coming soon), nonstructural management practices that build resiliency, structural management practices that build resiliency, and the Mills River field trip.

Make Way for Marshes

Make Way for Marshes

The report Make Way for Marshes: Guidance on Using Models of Tidal Marsh Migration to Support Community Resilience to Sea Level Rise covers the entire modeling life-cycle.


Tidal Crossings Assessment Workshop

Available documents include the Workshop Agenda and a list of participants. Subsequent to this regional workshop in Sept. 2015, a number of partners in New Hampshire completed development of NH’s Tidal Crossing Assessment Protocol, which now serves as a screening and prioritization tool.

Group Membership

Casco Bay Estuary Partnership Catalysis Adaptation Partners
CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Great Bay NERR
Long Island Sound Study Maine Coastal Program
Maine Geological Society Maine Natural Areas Program
Mass Audubon Massachusetts Bays National Estuary Program
MA Office of Coastal Zone Management MA Division of Ecological Restoration
Merrimack Valley Planning Commission National Park Service
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission
NH Department of Environmental Services NH Fish and Game Department
Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies RI Coastal Resources Management Council
Rockingham Planning Commission The Nature Conservancy
Town of Newbury U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Geological Survey
University of Connecticut University of New Hampshire
Warren Pinacle Consulting, Inc. Waterview Consulting
Yale University

Marsh Migration Resources


Meeting Notes
